Recertification in Infection Control -2010
Registered Nurse License for California and Florida
California Clear Health Science Teaching Credential
M.S. in Education, California State University at Fullerton (1992)
Renewal of Teaching Credential (5 times 6 semester units each renewal)
Teaching Certificate in Biology/Health, University of North Florida (1979) 32 semester units
B.S. in Nursing, University of Florida (1968)
(The management of the Infection Control Programs: education for all departments; consultation/problem solving; authoring policies; committee representation surveillance and research)
2011- present Established Communicable Conversations Consulting (in Health Education & Infection Prevention)
2001- 2011 Infection Control Practitioner / Employee Health Coordinator-San Leandro Hospital, San Leandro, CA
Re-wrote and implemented the Infection Control Manual. Designed, produced, and launched a Precaution Card System. Designed and authored A Patient’s Guide to Hand Hygiene. Provided educational programs including: Precaution Pow Wows, Prevention Promanades and the Happy Hands Ballet Bar. Authored and presented the poster “Using Art and Creativity to Produce Unique Education Tools and Policies, Educates and Inspires the ICP,” at the National APIC Conference 5/07.
1994–2001 Public Health Nurse - City of Berkeley Health Department Berkeley, CA
Designed and implemented a program to assist in the prevention of Childhood Lead Poisoning for the Berkeley community including Get the lead Out of Berkeley 10 / 5 Km. Race and blood testing program.
1995-1997 Infection Control Practitioner Consultant- John Muir Lab, Walnut Creek, CA
Provided consultation and educational programs for 9 skilled nursing facilities (20-hours/ week)
1993 –1994 Desk Top Publishing- El Cerrito, CA
Participated in publishing projects and an Internet yellow page directory
1986-1992 Infection Control Practitioner- St. Mary Medical Center, Long Beach, CA.
Managed a 400 bed facility providing all infection control services
Authored a new version of the St. Mary Medical Center Infection Control Manual
Authored and edited “Communicable Conversations,”an educational newsletter
Produced videotapes on the topics Universal Precautions, Body Substance Precautions, and Lyme Disease
1984-1986 Rehabilitation Specialist (part-time)- IRA, Atlanta, GA
Provided evaluation of client’s medical and vocational needs
Substitute Teacher- Rome City Schools, Rome, Georgia
1980- 1984 Infection Control Practitioner/ Director- Strong Memorial Hospital Rochester, New York
Directed all infection control services for a 750 bed teaching facility
Authored and edited” Nosocomial News,” a quarterly newsletter.
Authored “the Perinatal Manual”
Produced, “Hot Topics in Infection Control and Precaution Update.”
Authored and presented,” An Attitudinal Study of Influenza Vaccine.”
Taught a 10-week 8th grade health course
Physical Science Teacher- Clay High School, Green Cove Springs, Florida
Taught a semester of 9th grade physical science courses
1977-1979 Infection Control Practitioner - Greater Orange Park Community Hospital Orange Park, Florida
Maintained all aspects of the Infection Control Program and coordinated the TB prevention program.
1976-1977 Public Health Nurse- Duval County Health Department, Jacksonville, Florida
Supervised the Manderin Well Baby Clinic
1970-1976 Public Health Nurse / Supervisor – Alachua County Health Department, Gainesville, Florida Director of the County Tuberculosis Directed and established the Epidemiology Program
Attended the CDC Principals in Epidemiology Course (1974)
Supervised the Home Nursing Care Program
Supervised the Foreign Travel Clinic
Provided health education programs for teachers and students at 3 public schools
1969-1970 Lead Nurse – Alachua General Hospital, Gainesville, Florida
Supervised staff members on a general surgical unit